the journey to experience design

Messages and digital experience: Search, Sense, Sign-In, Signature
Now a new media acronym: BYOD (Bring Your Own Device). The separation between the protocols of digital devices is receding. We are arriving at one continuous digital experience. Spatial experience that employs digital repertoires will need to be device agnostic and connection ubiquitous. The offering of message and content can happen at-a-distance, and digital experience can be delivered before and continue after the actual spatial experience. These are digital experiences dependent on multimedia authors, AV integrators, interface designers, software programmers. You are offered a progression of search, sense, sign-in options.
You becoming a blue dot...
Spatial experience can be offered at a distance. Search on a space to see the posted videos of others in the space, follow a drone fly thru, see the space via VR. These searches are also likely to find opinion and critique of the architectural experience. Search engine optimization and reputation management consultants become newer consultants to the design of space-based experiences. This is the inquiry experience.
Sensors in your device (or they say, eventually, in you) detect your environment and select — from data offered by your location and path — media that compliments the setting. You are offered the types of information that you have selected in your self-administered filters and settings. Or vice versa: sensors in the building detect your proximity and make informed suggestions about your interests based on what you passed by and where you lingered. Your device collects links to data for future attention — you subscribed to that topic on enterprise or facility app. This is the introductory experience.
You becoming a red pin...
The visitor sign-in sheet is now virtual. Register with your fingerprint — physically or digitally. Become Friends with the space you engage with frequently. Broadcast your location while checking-in. Join in a space-based community of like-minded individuals — or their avatars. A place to belong. A building that befriends me. Remembers me. Welcomes me back. The new function for dimensional settings will be the secure management of the digital data it exchanges with its Friends, members, fans, community. Social media becomes co-mingled with spatial medium. This is the engagement experience.
Facilitate the human desire to leave a mark: painting the cave wall, carving a tree, tagging a freight train. It seems to be in our DNA. Today: log in and post a selfie, leave virtual notes in augmented space. This is the authorship of your experience.

Identity Planning   |   Message Masterplanning   |   Branded Environments   |   Media Design   |   Placemaking Strategies